- 在风俗习惯的描写方面这本书是举世无匹的。 As a description of manners the book is unapproached by any other.
- 忠勇无匹 To be unsurpassed in valour and patriotism
- 无匹的 unrivalled
- 近世无匹的辉煌事迹 A brilliant career without parallel in modern times
- 他把一个无匹的类带到每表演! He brings an unparalleled class to every performance!
- 那位化学家赢得举世公认。 The chemist has won worldwide recognition.
- 从战斗时的许多方面来看,克里特岛战役是古今无匹的。 In many of its aspects at the time it was fought the Battle of Crete was unique.
- 他的雄才大略是举世公认的。 His rare gifts and bold strategy are universally acknowledged.
- 他作为一个权威已得到举世公认。 As an authority he has got generally acknowledged over the world.
- 无纺 nonwoven
- 无尘 dustless
- 她非凡的才能举世公认。 Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
- 不学无术 be ignorant and incompetent
- 他们把一匹马同一匹驴交配。 They mated a horse with a donkey.
- 这是举世公认的事实,也是和平解决台湾问题的前提。 This is a universally recognized fact as well as the premise for a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question.
- 漫无目的 flanerie
- 男孩将一匹玩具马拖在身后。 The boy trailed a toy horse after him.
- 南无阿弥陀佛 Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita]
- 我们削成一匹木马。 We whittled a wooden horse.
- 暗无天日 (said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice