- 主食吃什么呢? How about the cereal?
- 主食吃什么? What's for staple food?
- 主食吃什么 what about staple food
- 甜点你要吃什么呢? What will you have for dessert?
- 你想吃什么呢? What would you like to eat?
- 如今,人们主食吃得越来越少,粗粮,杂粮更是成为了餐桌上的点补,造成了营养的不均衡. Nowadays, people eat less of the principal foods, coarse food grain, food grains other than wheat and rice has even become a delicacy on the dining table, creating an unbalanced nutrition.
- 那么主菜吃什么呢? And how about the main course?
- 今天晚餐我们吃什么? What do we have for supper today?
- 我们午餐吃什么呢? What are we having for lunch?
- 她现在正生病,不想吃什么东西。 She is ill now and turns away from her food.
- 不论吃什么,她都喜欢放许多番茄酱。 She likes to souse everything she eats in tomato ketchup.
- 您主菜喜欢吃点什么呢? And what would you like for the main course?
- 你想吃什么就吃什么。 Help yourself to whatever you like.
- 您喜欢吃什么? What do you fancy? What would you like to have?
- 你们吃些什么呢? And the meal ?
- 山地大猩猩吃什么? What do mountain gorillas eat?
- 你喜欢吃什么东西? What kind of food would you like to eat?
- 你想吃什么呢? What would you like to eat?
- 明天早饭你吃什么? What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning?
- 午饭你想吃什么? What will you have for lunch?