- 药分两大类,不需处方的药和处方药。 There are two major types of medicines: over the counter and prescription.
- 而不需 without needing (to so sth)
- 爱与关怀不需全挂在脸上的。他可能正在树上守护着你。 Love and care doesn't necessary be shown on the face. Someone might be watching from a tree at the back yard.
- 不需付出很大努力的 unexacting
- 按照法律,婴孩对其本身行为不需负责任。 By law babies are irresponsible.
- 从前,很多苹果在收获以后直接由果园出售,不需分级和包装。 Much of the apple crop was formerly harvested and sold directly out of the orchard with comparatively little grading and packing.
- 大多数人都有足够的时间,而不需考虑生命的时钟将何时停止。 Most people have the luxury not knowing when that clock will go off.
- 不需奉承不借钱,知足常乐赛神仙。 He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter.
- 运动的变换既不需共面,也不必是同心面上。 The motion transformation is not necessary coplanar, nor must it be concentric.
- 我们不需测试每一个人,我们只作抽查。 We needn't test everyone; we'll just make spot checks.
- 英国航空:选用我们的E号机票,阁下不需携带任何东西,只要带着自己。 British Airways: With our new E-ticket,all you have to bring isyourself.
- 你本来不需带雨伞,因为我们要乘公共汽车去。 You needn't have brought your umbrella for we are going by bus.
- 谢天谢地,外卖的三明治仍旧不需付增值税。 Thank goodness that sandwiches to take away are still free of VAT.
- 我认为今晚我们不需讨论别的事了。 I do not think there is anything else we need discuss tonight.
- 而(showscausalrelation)而(showschangeofstate)而(showscontrast)而不需 without needing (to so sth)
- 申请过这个职位的人不需重新申请。 Previous applicants for the post need not reapply.
- 区别这两幅画的好坏不需职业艺术家。 You don't need to be a professional artist to discriminate between the two pictures.
- 吊机不需等到接缝料养护就可移开。 The crane was slacked off without waiting for the joint material to cure.
- 谁也无法确知,但大多数专家认为,不需太久就难以靠这些资源提供充足的电力了。 Nobody knows for sure, but most experts think it will soon be difficult to obtain sufficient electricity from these sources.
- ph.1. 修辞性疑问句;不需回答的反诘句 rhetorical question