- 恒河沙数 as numerous as the sands of the Ganges; innumerable; countless
- 任何一个。每一事件的起因有如恒河沙数。 M: One of the many. For everything there are innumerable causal factors.
- 关于这个题目的书籍多得不计其数。 Books on this subject are legion.
- 我参加的会议、大会不计其数。 I've gone to more meetings and conventions than I possibly can.
- 每日过往客人不计其数。 There are countless travellers coming and going every day.
- 并且拥有不计其数的名胜古迹。 and has lots of historical sites and scenic spots.
- (他在NBA的得分不计其数。) He scored a ton of points in NBA.
- 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。 He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.
- 有不计其数的人们从小就知道蜗牛可做菜。 There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food.
- 除历史书外,他们还不计其数的回忆录和传记。 Besides histories they have many volumes of reminiscences, and biographies without number.
- 易学的语言只有母语,即使它也需要不计其数的大量练习。 The only language that is easy to learn is the mother tongue. And think how much practice that gets!
- 战争年代,暴尸野外的无名小卒不计其数。 In the wartime, countless unnamed soldiers died on the battlefield.
- 成千上万的人死于地震,无家可归的更不计其数。 Thousands of people were killed and many more were left homeless by the earthquake.
- 报道见报后,不计其数的询问电话打到博物馆。 Since its publication, museum staff have been inundated with phone calls and complaints.
- 但是,实际之冲突及潜在之冲突,却不计其数。 But actual and potential conflicts abound.
- 因为有不计其数的教人自己动手做事的书报杂志出版。 for there are countless do-it-yourself publications.
- 沃伦·巴菲特为慈善事业捐赠的善款不计其数。 Warren Buffett donated billions to charity.
- 我们登出了这项工作的广告, 收到的申请书不计其数. We advertised the job and were deluged with applications.
- 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。 It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages.
- 所有的都是由不计其数的原子构成,其中大多数原子结合成为分子。 All are built from numberless atoms, the majority of them united into molecules.