- 至 most
- 移至 moveto
- 未曾向借钱的弟兄取利,也未曾向借粮的弟兄多要,缩手不作罪孽,在两人之间,按至理判断; He does not lend at usury or take excessive interest. He withholds his hand from doing wrong and judges fairly between man and man.
- 我所爱的女性们的水性扬花,只有爱我的女性们的执着不移可与伦比。 The fickleness of the women I love is only equal by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.
- 至理 famous dictum; maxim
- 我所爱的女性们的水性杨花,只有爱我的女性们的执着不移可与伦比。 The fickleness of the women I love is only equaled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.
- 谈笑之中存至理 Many a true word is spoken in jest
- 一日之始,要把这不移的事实摆在你面前,就是你属于祂。 Go into the day with the definite fact before you that you belong to Him.
- 法官决定审判暂停,而移至犯案现场继续进行。 The judge decided to adjourn to the scene of the crime.
- [谚]笑谈之中有至理。 Many a true word is spoken in jest.
- 你将发现我与你总是形影不离,此时今生常相伴,万死不移。 So shalt thou find me ever at thy side, here and hereafter, if the last may be.
- 总部已由里兹移至伦敦。 The head office has been transfered from Leeds to London.
- 你对我说的那些话,我听着真是至情至理。 What you said has quite convinced me.
- 庄重的人,常受风俗引导,因而心志不移,所以多是情爱甚笃的丈夫; Grave natures, led by custom, and therefore constant, are commonly loving husbands;
- 这种至情至理的看法,让裘德觉得烦恼起来。 This terribly sensible advice exasperated Jude.
- 微小的不移栖的海洋无脊椎动物,它们的身体呈囊状并带有可吸进和吐出水的虹吸管 minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves
- 飘浮移至 float to
- 这种至情至理的看法,让裘德觉得烦恼起来。 This terribly sensible advice exasperated Jude.
- 只是由于她坚贞不移的纯朴本性,加上宗教信仰的力量,才使他抵住了这种诱惑。 Nothing but an impregnable simplicity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it.
- 他们实际上是固守原地,不移分毫。 They were, to all intents, stationary.