- 在整个审讯过程中他始终不失尊严。 He maintained his dignity throughout the trial.
- 失 to lose
- 知足者富。 强行者有志。 不失其所者久。 死而不亡者寿。 Those who are content are wealthy. Those who persevere have will power. Those who do not lose their center endure. Those who die But maintain their power live eternally.
- 同事们称我是一位好伙伴,却又不失之于过分亲昵。 Associates describe me a good companion without being a hail fellow wee met.
- 当他在路上急忙忙走过时,他极为巧妙地使车上的载重不失平衡。 As he hurried along the road, he balanced the load with extreme nicety.
- 作曲家写出既更易为人们理解,又不失其个人独创风格的音乐作品。 Composers write music that is more easily comprehensible without sacrificing originality.
- 这篇文章有许多拼写错误,然而仍不失之为好文章。 There are many spelling mistakes; even so it's quite a good essay.
- 难就难在既要承认错误又要不失面子。 The difficulty is going to be how to admit the mistake without losing face.
- 他们这么评价比赛:‘切尔西一球不失,这不公平。’那有什么不公平的? They're going into the game saying: it's not fair Chelsea don't concede any goals. What's not fair about that?
- 即便是皇家园林也不失这种亲密感。 Even when on a palatial scale a Chinese garden does not lose that intimate quality.
- 他们尽管吵过架, 却仍不失为最好的朋友. In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends.
- 承认自己错了又不失面子是很难的。 It's difficult to admit one is wrong without losing face.
- 设计的服装不失其独特风格的设计师 a designer whose clothes have not lost their exclusiveness
- 妖艳却又不失纯真的少妇发式,十分引人注目。 The young lady's hair-style, seductive, yet pure, is very attractive.
- 金正日虽狂妄自大,但也不失狡猾。 But Mr Kim, for all his megalomania and paranoia, is a shrewd tactician.
- 只要不失目标地继续努力,终将有成。 To persist in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.
- 他是窃盗与渗透行动的大师,从不失手。 He is the master of infiltration and thievery who never misses his target.
- 那些男孩受过良好的训练,他们输了球但不失风度。 The boys had been well-coached; they look the loss of the game with good grace.
- 他的仪表不凡,对人彬彬有礼,又不失尊严。 His appearance was distinguished; in manner he had always been courtly and dignified.
- 通过关键词的方式建立一个个话题。这些话题相对独立、不失联系,又同时指向场所。 Try to establish many topics through the use of key words. These topics are relatively independent while they are also connected and are all about site.