- 但是沉默并不合约翰少爷的心意,因此,他就决心表示主动,先开口。 But silence was not dear to the heart of the Honourable John, and so he took up the running.
- 不道德的,不正当的不合道德、良知或法律规则的;不道德的或邪恶的 Contrary to conscience, morality, or law; immoral or wicked.
- 新上任的将军与其他指挥官们意见不合。 The new general is not on the same wavelength as the other commanders.
- 房价包括不合我们心意的许多褂讪装置和附加设备。 The price of the house include many existing fixture and fittings that are not to our taste.
- 教孩子们简单地把毒品斥为不合道德习俗或标准的(拉里 马茨) trying to teach children simply to reject drugs as uncool(Larry Martz)
- 这张房屋图纸是按比例绘制的,只有一个部分不合比例。 The house was drawn to scale, except one part which was out of scale.
- 他不去参加他叔父的丧礼是不合礼节的。 It was bad form of him not to go to his uncle's funeral.
- 在木屋里他说了些不合逻辑的道歉话。 In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies.
- 那是个挺不错的建议,却未被采纳,真不合情理。 That was a good proposal but got rejected. It was a bit much.
- 他并没有说过任何不合人情事理的话。 He did not say anything beside the cushion of common sense.
- 不,实际上,那种事不合我的口味。 No, actually, that sort of thing isn't for me.
- 不合规则地穿越马路而不计后果的人。 a reckless pedestrian who crosses a street illegally.
- 一场突然的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。 a sudden unseasonable blizzard; unseasonable bright blue weather in November.
- 他所享有的名气若能长久,那是不合情理的。 It was not in the nature of things that popularity such as he enjoyed should be permanent.
- 它并不象人们所料想的那样完全不合标准。 It was not quite so untrue as might have been expected.
- 好和坏只是名称而已,随时都可以转换;合我心意者曰对,不合我心意者曰错。 Good and bad are but names readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong, what is against it.
- 恐光症,光恐怖对光线不正常或不合情理的畏惧 An abnormal or irrational fear of light.
- 他几次报名应征,但都不合标准,先是由于年纪太小,而后又由于长得太瘦。 He tried several times to enlist, but first he was too young, then too thin, to make the grade.
- 这汤的胡椒味太重了,不合我的口味。 This soup is too peppery for my taste.
- 现在,艾玛感觉不如从前,还有点不合逻辑。 But now, irratonaily, Emma felt second best.