- 过止成诵 Can recite a passage after one perusal
- 成 succeed
- 熟读成诵 read again and again until one knows by heart; learn by rote
- 一览 general view
- 你们将从塔上一览堪培拉美丽的城市风光和塔周围的乡村风光。 You really get a wonderful view of Canberra city and its rural surroundings from the Tower.
- 成诵 be able to recite; be able to recite; be able to repeat from memory
- 我们如何才能运用最好的感官,一览其中所有可览之物呢? How may we see in them all that is to be seen in them by the finest senses?
- 不成 won't do
- 您可以一览所有的生物,从鲨鱼、水母到巨大海蛤、乌龟都有。 You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish(8) to giant sea clams(9) and turtles.
- 翻译成 translate into
- 诵 read aloud
- 图片预览 preview picture
- 成形 shaped
- 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。 My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 一览众山小 it is small to have a guide look of all mountains
- 八成 eighty percent
- 写成 to compile (fashion through writing)
- 一览单 synthetic list
- 改成 make
- 年成 year's harvest