- 一片 piece
- 片 sheet
- 第三天师父和汉城赵淳市长在详和气氛之下晤谈了一个多小时。 On the third day, Master met the Mayor of Seoul, Mr. Cho Soon, for more than an hour amidst a harmonious atmosphere.
- 傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。 She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak.
- 我们的50间客房在2005年经过全面翻修,具有时尚考究的格调,充满宁静详和的氛围。 Our 50 bedrooms have been entirely redecorated in 2005 in a contemporary and refined style offering a very pleasent and serene atmosphere.
- 祝佳节详和美好! Santa's bag overflows with happy wishes for you.
- 表演结束后,响起一片热烈的掌声。 There is a shower of applause after the performance.
- 让我想一想。抱歉,我大脑一片空白。 Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank.
- 一份色拉和一片面包倒挺配我胃口的。 A salad and a piece of bread will go down well.
- 下雨的可能性是有的,但天空一片蔚蓝,可能性似乎不大。 It's possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn't seem probable.
- 为了保证使码头上各位老板心里喜欢,那一天,后来港口呈现出一片繁忙的工作景象。 For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of any dock boss's heart.
- 故土与某一个民族或种族紧密相连的一个国家,地区或一片领土 A state, region, or territory that is closely identified with a particular people or ethnic group.
- 放牧地,牧场一片适宜于牲畜游荡和进食的广大土地 An expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on.
- 傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相间。 The evening sky flamed with red and orange.
- 警察来恢复秩序以前,大厅内一片喧闹和混乱。 The hall was like a three-ring circus until the police arrived to restore order.
- 一片黄色和紫色的龙葵正开得很盛。 The nightshade was in its yellow and purple glory.
- 茁壮成长时期;无限绵延的牧场和山峰呈现出一片祥和的景致。 a time of unimpeded growth; an unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting.
- 北极圈内的一片辽阔而没有树木的平原,位于冰帽和林木线之间。 a vast treeless plain in the arctic regions between the ice cap and the tree line.
- 他在一片倒彩声和嘘声中被轰下台。 He was booed and hissed off the stage.
- 撒谎者和骗子都滋生与同一片土地。 The liar and the deceiver are children of the same village.