- Window消息 window message
- Baads window 巴德窗
- window of tube (激光管的) 管窗口
- window cleaners platform 擦窗活动平台
- 把所有window shoppers变成您的忠实顾客! Turn window shoppers into your loyal customers!
- 如何:为Window窗体应用程序启用批处理模式 How to: Enable a Batch Mode for Window Forms Applications
- 用PB8的Web Data Window DTC开发Web应用 Design Web Application Using the PowerBuilder 8.0 Web DataWindow DTC
- UNIX操作系统X-Window汉字系统的实现技术 Techniques to Implement Chinese Oriented Application Systems in tile UNIX Operating System With X-Window Environment
- [building,window,garden+] 面向南方/大海 to look south/onto the sea
- Swedish window (中间装有活动百叶的双层玻璃窗) 瑞典式窗
- 显示空间中预先定义的一部分区域。参阅window。 A predefined part of a display space.
- soft-loan window (指对发展中国家的优惠贷款业务) 软贷款窗口
- (=open window unit(unit of sound absorption)) 开窗单位 o.w.u.
- 将“Window按钮”形状拖到标题栏的右端并选择按钮类型。 Drag a Window buttons shape onto the right end of the title bar and select the button type.
- X-Window/Motif测井资料光盘数据库管理系统设计与实现 Design and Implementation of A Management System of Logging Data Disc Database by Using X-Windows/Motif
- 当前程序已使用了Window管理器对象的系统允许的所有句柄。 The current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Window Manager objects.
- 如果工作台显示不正确,选择Window-Show View-Other菜单选项。 If the workbench does not display properly, choose the Window - Show View - Other menu option.
- 使用脚本代码中的window.external对象访问指定对象的公共属性和方法。 Use the window. External object in your scripting code to access public properties and methods of the specified object.
- 您可以通过window.showHelp()方法打开该附件,这可能会运行恶意代码。 You can open the attachment with the window. ShowHelp() method, which may run malicious code.
- 对window.external的访问允许页面读取、写入或操作用户硬盘驱动器上的数据。 Access to window. External enables a page to read, write, or manipulate data on the user's hard drive.