- “你还有什么好说的?”“没有。” "What have you got to say for yourself?" "Nothing."
- "你还有什么好说的?""没有。" "What have you got to say for yourself?" "Nothing."
- 《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》,那还有什么好说的呢? The good book,if we are to believe it,says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?
- 《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》, 那还有什么好说的呢? The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?
- 在我对你宣判之前,你还有什么要说的吗? Before I pass sentence on you, have you anything to say for yourself?
- 在学业有成的同时你还有机会个人发展,成长和获得成功。 While academic success will be your main focus, make the most of the other opportunities for personal development, growth and success.
- 都上船了,你还有什么好守的吗? What were you keeping watch for while you were on board?
- 妈妈,爸爸的生日快到了。我不知道送给他点什么好。你有什么建议? Mom, Dad's birthday is coming up. I don't know what to give him. Do you have any ideas for a gift?
- 除了头痛之外,你还有没有其他症状? Do you have any other symptoms besides the headache?
- 还有什么好说的呢? What is there to say?You seemed to have decided everything completely,are you not?
- 除了工作收入之外,你还有其它的经济来源吗? Have you any other source of income apart from your job?
- 关于那件事, 我没什么好说的。 I have nothing to say in relation to that matter
- 一年以前你还有点肤浅,有点粗陋。 A year ago, you were perhaps a little limited-a little rustic.
- 你还有什么不顺?” What's so unlucky about that?
- 我一点都不知道你还有个双胞胎姐姐。 I never knew(= didn't know until now)you had a twin sister.
- 他一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的? He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?
- 你还有什么事吗? Did you want anything else?
- 别担心没进校队的事,你还有机会的。 Don't worry about not making varsity team. You'll always have next year.
- 有什么特别想跟你在美国的文化之友说的话吗? What is your special message to your culture pal in China?
- 你还有什么别的要补充么? It has been discussed Phalanx says: Is there anything else you would like to add?