- F component of γ-globulin 丙种球蛋白F成份
- “Single-Component”Insulin 单组分胰岛素[降血糖药]
- 基于Web Component的页面分解算法 A Web-Page Fragmentation Algorithm Based on Web Component
- quadrantal component (误差的) 平方分量
- 获取或设置当前Component对象的ID。 Gets or sets the ID of the current Component object.
- plasma thromboplastin component factor Ⅸ 血浆凝血致活酶成分凝血因子Ⅸ
- 如果当前Component已初始化,则为true;否则为false。 True if the current Component is initialized; otherwise, false.
- 如果Component对象正在更新,则为true;否则为false。 True if the current Component object is updating; otherwise, false.
- 获取一个值,该值指示当前Component对象是否正在更新。 Gets a value indicating whether the current Component object is updating.
- component_name该参数为ScriptVersion或SIS时,可以创建记录。 Component_name You can create records for which this parameter is ScriptVersion or SIS.
- 派生自Component类的类型的实例,将向客户端应用程序注册该实例。 An instance of a type derived from the Component class to register with the client application.
- System.Windows.Forms.Control从Component派生,本身提供UI功能。 System.Windows.Forms.Control derives from Component and itself provides UI capabilities.
- beginUpdate方法将当前Component对象的isUpdating属性设置为true。 The beginUpdate method sets the isUpdating property of the current Component object to true.
- prop_set_name如果component_name是ScriptVersion,此即脚本版本的名称。 Prop_set_name If the component_name is ScriptVersion, then this is the name of the script version.
- plasma thromboplastin component(PTC)(blood coagulation facotrⅨ) 血浆促凝血酶原激酶组分, 抗血友病因子B
- 使用Component Works GPIB ActiveX控件快速组建基于VB环境的测试系统 Using ComponentWorks GPIB ActiveX Controls to Accelerate Construction of Test System in Visual Basic Environment
- 组件对象模型COM(Component Object Model)为构建组件提供了技术支持。 COM (Component Object Model) provides a set of standard to construct component.
- 有关UAB的更多信息,请参阅Jamie Cool撰写的.NET Application Updater Component。 To get more information on the UAB, see Jamie Cool's.NET Application Updater Component.
- 如果component_name是SIS,则这是您为其设置属性的通告程序、网关或电信公司的名称。 If the component_name is SIS, then this is the name of the Notifier, gateway, or carrier that you are setting a property for.
- 最初他工作于Component Broker建模领域,在过去的三年他已经成为Web服务团队中的一员。 Originally working in the modeling area for Component Broker he has been a member of the Web services team for the last three years.