- π electron π电子
- 唔,那么我要electron牌车子。 "Him. I 'd like an Electron, then. "
- 唔,那么我要Electron牌车子。 "Him. I 'd like an electron, then. "
- pulsed electron image tube (高速照相用) 脉冲电子成像管
- humplike electron dense deposits 驼峰样电子致密沉积物
- 因为希腊叫琥珀为“electron”,所以,我们就得到了“electricity”(电)这个字。 The Greek name for amber is "electron", and this give us our word electricity.
- 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide(specialized electron transferinhibitor) 2-庚-4-羟基喹啉Ν-氧化物
- 利用TEM(Transmission Electron Microscope,透射电子显微镜)观察了纳米CaCO_3粒子在PVC基体中的分散情况; The dispersion of the modified nano-sized CaCO3 in the PVC matrix was observed in TEM (transmission electron microscope).
- 方法:制备CBC材料,应用扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)观察及X线衍射分析等方法对其进行生物材料学检测; Methods: Fabricate CBC and investigate it by using a number of physicochemical methods such as SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and X~ray diffraction.
- X射线光电子能谱(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS)技术也被称作用于化学分析的电子能谱(electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis,ESCA). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also called electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is widely used both in basic research and in analysis of materials, particularly in surface analysis.
- 目的 用电子自旋共振 (electron spin resonance,ESR)技术观察模拟飞行缺氧条件下小鼠不同脏器一氧化氮 (nitric oxide,NO)含量的变化及抗氧化剂茶多酚的防护作用。 Objective The purpose of this study was to detect changes of nitric oxide(NO) contents in various organs of mice after repeated exposure to 1 500 m hypobaric hypoxia and protective effect of tea polyphenols(TP) using electron spin resonance(ESR) technique.
- 针对现有无序体系电子输运理论的不足,考虑了电子和声子、外场的相互作用,建立了EPF(electron-phonon-field)电子隧穿电导模型,推导了一维无序体系新的直流、交流电导公式。 Based on the disadvantage of the former electronic conductance theory applied on the disordered system, and considering the interaction between the phonon> electric field and electron, a EPF (Electron-Phonon-Field) conductance model of electronic tunnel transfer is set up, and new D. C and A.
- 利用电子背散射衍射(electron back-scattered diffraction,EBSD)和电子束诱生电流(electron beam induced cur-rent,EBIC)技术对铸造多晶硅的晶界类型和晶界复合特性进行了研究。 The grain boundary(GB) character and recombination activity of grain boundaries(GBs) in multicrystalline silicon(mc-Si) were studied by means of electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD) and electron-beam-induced current(EBIC) techniques.
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