- 查询编辑器建立Adaptive Server Anywhere SELECT语句。 The Query Editor builds Adaptive Server Anywhere SELECT statements.
- adaptive system (计算机) 可适应系统
- 此语句用于为当前连接设置与Adaptive Server Enterprise兼容的数据库选项。 Use this statement to set database options for the current connection in an Adaptive Server Enterprise-compatible manner.
- 相比而言,较大的页大小有助于Adaptive Server Anywhere更有效地读取数据库。 By contrast, a larger page sizes help Adaptive Server Anywhere read databases more efficiently.
- 对于命令文件中存储的批处理语句,Adaptive Server Anywhere支持在命令文件中使用参数。 For batches stored in command files, Adaptive Server Anywhere supports the use of parameters in command files.
- 当您从数据库中插入和删除行时,Adaptive Server Anywhere会自动重用这些行占用的空间。 As you insert and delete rows from the database, Adaptive Server Anywhere automatically reuses the space they occupy.
- Adaptive Server Enterprise的消息代理使用稳定队列来保存事务,直到不再需要这些事务。 The Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a stable queue to hold transactions until they are no longer needed.
- 该公司的网址是www. adaptive-eyecare. com。 The address is www. adaptive-eyecare. com.
- 命名管道协议应该在以等效于C2安全认证配置的方式使用Adaptive Server Anywhere时使用。 The Named Pipes protocol should be used when using Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration.
- Cagans adaptive expectation model 卡根适应性期望模型
- Adaptive Server Anywhere拒绝任何更新请求。 Any update request is rejected by Adaptive Server Anywhere.
- Adaptive Server Anywhere可以按任意顺序存储行 Adaptive Server Anywhere may store rows in any order
- 启动Adaptive Server Anywhere个人数据库服务器。 Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere personal database server.
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise支持一些子句。 Sybase Some clauses are supported by Adaptive Server Enterprise.
- 这通常与Adaptive Server Anywhere的安装目录相同。 This is usually the same as the Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory.
- 确保设置了适用于Adaptive Server Anywhere的环境。 Make sure the environment is set up for Adaptive Server Anywhere.
- 使用Adaptive Server Anywhere的缺省全局自动增量功能。 Using the default global autoincrement feature of Adaptive Server Anywhere.
- Adaptive Server Anywhere将试图传递出尽可能多的语句。 Adaptive Server Anywhere will attempt to pass off as much of the statement as is possible.
- 这种做法会让Adaptive Server Anywhere为您添加HTML标记。 Doing so asks Adaptive Server Anywhere to add HTML tags for you.
- Adaptive Server Anywhere会记录每个页上的空白空间大小。 Adaptive Server Anywhere keeps a record of the amount of empty space on each page.