- α-radiation α-[射线]辐射
- β-radiation β-[射线]辐射
- γ-radiation γ辐射
- β-radiation injury skin 皮肤β-辐射损伤
- β-radiation damage of skin 皮肤β-辐射损伤
- radiation method (平板测量用的) 放射测量法
- cn/radiation/和http://cancernet. cn/radiation; Core metadata of China Cancer Database can be queried and managed in core metadata database of Cancer Data-sharing System, and the database URL is http://canceretn.
- occipitothalamic radiation (视辐射线) 韦尼克氏放射
- α放射β-radiationβ放射锚adiationγ放射 α-radiation
- (=occipitofrontal radiation) 枕额部辐射,枕额部射线疗法 OF rad.
- 本文的主要研究目的是建立玉米冠层内光合有效辐射(Photosynthetically Active Radiation, PAR)三维空间分布的模拟模型。 For modelling of three dimensional distribution of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) in crop canopy, the important contents of this thesis are as following.
- 目的:研究不同波段紫外线(ultraviolet radiation,UV)对不同细胞DNA损伤的效应,用UVC及K562细胞构建了细胞DNA损伤修复的研究模型,对UVC介导的细胞DNA损伤与损伤修复的机制进行初探。 Aim: We studied the effects of different waves of ultraviolet radiation (UV) on DNA damage in different cells, and established the model of DNA damage and repair of K562 cell induced by UVC.
- 本研究的目的在于确定每周1次紫杉醇与调强适形放射治疗(intensity modulated radiation therapy,IMRT)同期使用,治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌患者中紫杉醇的最大耐受剂量(maximal tolerant dose,MTD)。 This study was to define the maximal tolerant dose (MTD) of paclitaxel in weekly paclitaxel with concurrent intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for local-regionally advanced NPC.