- diagonal dross scar (浮化玻璃缺陷) 斜线道
- double concave D.Cc.
- Double-RESURF Double-RESURF
- 利用一个“造型”,double结果会转换回char。 The double result is turned back into a char with a cast.
- Double-Bagging算法 Double-Bagging algorithm
- (=double vibrations) 双振动 d.v.
- Double-Bagging决策树 Double-Bagging decision-making tree
- Double指定一笔年金的付款总期数。 Double specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity.
- 一个double类型值,指示数字应乘到的幂。 A double value that indicates the power to which the number should be raised.
- EURO和USD类都有针对Double的扩大和收缩转换。 Both the EURO and USD classes have widening and narrowing conversion to and from Double.
- Double指定在最终支付后期望的未来值或现金余额。 Double specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you make the final payment.
- decimal可以升级为float,float可以升级为double。 A decimal may be promoted to float, and a float may be promoted to double.
- 返回一个Double数据类型值,指定每一期的年金利率。 Returns a Double specifying the interest rate per period for an annuity.
- 目标为Single或Double的收缩转换可能会导致丢失信息。 A narrowing conversion to Single or Double can cause a loss of information.
- 执行除法之前,任何整数数值表达式都会被扩展为Double。 Before division is performed, any integral numeric expressions are widened to Double.
- double类型还可以表示NaN(非数字)、正负无穷和正负零。 The double type can also represent NaN (Not a Number), positive and negative infinity, and positive and negative zero.
- 下面的代码示例演示一个线程安全方法,它累计Double值的运行总和。 The following code example demonstrates a thread-safe method that accumulates a running total of Double values.
- 请注意,即使两个操作数都是整数常数,结果也始终为浮点类型(Double)。 Note that the result is always floating-point (Double), even though both operands are integer constants.
- 此版本的重载方法使用当前区域性使用的格式测试货币、Double和日期值。 This version of the overloaded method tests currency, double, and date values using the format used by the current culture.
- 对于float目标类型或double目标类型,如果值是下溢正值时,该值映射为0e0。 The value is mapped to 0e0 when the value is a positive underflow for a float or double target type.