- 广义逆(generalized inverse matrix,GIM)力法是一种从经典力法的求解思路中引发而出的基于力法和广义逆矩阵理论的一种新的迭代解法,对于求解材料非线性问题具有其独特的特点和优势。 The finite element formulation of generalized inverse matrix force method,or so-called large increment method (LIM) for material nonlinearity problems is proposed. LIM is a new iteration method,which is based on theories of the force method and generalized inverse matrix (GIM),and is of unique characteristics and advantages especially for material nonlinearity problems.
- Inverse-RZ Inverse-RZ
- 基于generalized dominator的BDD布尔表达式优化分解 Analysis of BDD Decomposition Based on Generalized Dominator
- inverse Compton effect (量子) 逆康普顿效应
- 第二,Haskell提供了一个结合了诸如型别类(typeclasses)和通用代数数据型别(generalized algebraic data types)的现代化型别系统。 Secondly, Haskell provides a very modern type system which incorporates features like typeclasses and generalized algebraic data types.
- XML(Extensible Markup Languase,可扩展标签语言)是一种源于 SGML(standard Generalized Markup language)的 Web数据格式描述语言。 Extensible Markup Language(XML) is a data format describing language. which derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML). It has every change of becoming the standard means of exchanging data particularly across platform boundaries or over the web.
- 本文将介绍采用UML进行程序设计,AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming),IOC(Inverse Of Control)这些比较新的技术或设计模式,以及经典的MVC模式。 The AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), IOC(Inverse Of Control) and MVC design patterns will be discussed in this thesis. Software Design with UML will also be presented in the thesis.
- 在自适应旁瓣对消中,针对传统的直接样本矩阵求逆(DirectSam ple Matrix Inverse,DMI)方法数值稳定性弱的缺点,产生了一系列数据域算法,HT变换法就是其中之一。 In m ulti sidelobe cancellation, in orderto increasethenum ericalstability ofthe traditionaldirectaam ple Matrix Inverse (DMI) m ethod, severalother"data dam ain"algorithm sincluding the HTm ethod are proposed.
- 在分析广义表(Generalized list)的抽象数据类型定义、特点和存储结构的基础上,提出了广义表的二叉链式存储表示(称之为广义二叉链表,Generalized Binary Linked List,简称GBLL)。 The ADT(Abstract Data Type) definition,characteristics and storage structure of generalized list are analyzed. And based on that,the binary linked storage representation of generalized list is put forward(viz.Generalized Binary Linked List,for short GBLL).
- 同时,许多视频压缩标准如MPEG-1和MPEG-2等均采用离散余弦变换(DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform)及离散余弦反变换(IDCT: Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform)进行编解码。 Meanwhile, many video compression standards such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 employ DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) and IDCT(Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform) in coding and decoding.
- 论文首先对软件工程中新兴的反转控制模式(Inverse of Control)和面向方面编程(Aspected Oriented Programming)做了简单的介绍,阐述了FrameServer框架的设计思想和体系结构设计; In this thesis, firstly, IoC pattern and AOP rising in software engineering are briefly introduced, and the design ideas and architecture of FrameServer framework are discussed.
- 礳石渠