- dual-purpose drill (平播与沟播) 两用条播机
- Morse taper shank twist ̄drill 莫氏锥柄麻花钻头
- base track (用于推拉隔断) 地面滑轨
- spring-loaded drill colter (条播机的) 弹簧加力开沟器
- 进行赛跑的整个地段称为track. The whole area they run on is called the track.
- combined grain drill(hoe type) (锄铲式) 联合谷物播种机
- no-field track (指云室或气泡室中) 无磁场径迹
- 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。 Mining is an unhealthy job.
- sound track advance (声画不同步) 声迹超前
- 钻井机一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具 A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- Note:自PHP 4.0.3起,track_vars总是打开的。 Note: As of PHP 4.0.3, track_vars is always turned on.
- 一爿采矿公司 a mining company
- DST (Drill-Stem-Test),即中途测试,是指油井在钻井过程中,对有油气显示的地层进行快速测试。 DST (Drill Stem Test), a fast test for show of oil and gas while drilling.
- 表层采矿 surface mining
- 基于gpsOne方案的Snap Track定位技术在反恐作战中的应用 Application of Snap Track Technology in Antiterrorism Fighting Based on GpsOne
- 霸占土地(或采矿权) to jump a claim
- 该变量在发生错误并且track_errors选项打开(默认为关闭)后才有效。 This variable will only be available within the scope in which the error occurred, and only if the track_errors configuration option is turned on (it defaults to off).
- (采矿)钻头超速 bit overfeed
- track指郊野土路,常无正式标志,仅为人、动物或车辆走得多而形成者. Track is a rough path in the country,often not officially marked,but made by the constant passing of people,animals or vehicles.
- 海底采矿技术 undersea mining technology