- abnormal 异常的 abn.
- abnormal factor Ⅶ 异常因子Ⅶ
- abnormal 异常的,abnormality 异常,反常 abnorm.
- 禺(place)禺 district
- [+place] 邻近某处 in the neighbourhood of sth
- [+place] 不准进入 out of bounds
- 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。 Mining is an unhealthy job.
- place brick (未烧透的) 等外砖
- 钻井机一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具 A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- ‘Take place’是个常见的连语 'Take place' is a common collocation.
- 一爿采矿公司 a mining company
- [+place,group] 被指派到某处 to be assigned to sth
- 表层采矿 surface mining
- [of place,activity etc] 某物的诱人之处 the attraction of sth
- 霸占土地(或采矿权) to jump a claim
- 试比较happen、 occur、 take place这叁个词语. Compare happen, occur and take place.
- (采矿)钻头超速 bit overfeed
- 海底采矿技术 undersea mining technology
- place和seat(均为可数名词)指具体的空处,通常指座位 Place and seat(both countable)are used for specific spaces,usually for people to sit
- 薄矿脉采矿法 narrow vein mining method