- 遗 to lose
- parental generation P1 亲本一代
- 沧海遗珠 undiscovered talent
- 博朗T3口袋收音机 & iPod 1st Generation Braun T3 pocket radio and Apple iPod
- Best-First算法 Best-First algorithm
- 遗赠 bequeath
- First移动到第一页。 First To move to the first page.
- FIRST ABSOLUTE 1的缩写形式。 FIRST A short form for ABSOLUTE 1.
- 遗尿 enuresis
- TEGAS(Test Generation And Simula-tion)是一个大的数字电路模拟软件系列。 TEGAS(Test Generation And Simula-
- 你怎么能写“march twenty-first”? How can you write March twenty-first?
- 廊桥遗梦/麦迪逊镇之桥 Bridges of Madison County
- Next Generation Installer for IBM Informix products是一种用户友好的动态工具。 The Next Generation Installer for IBM Informix products is a user-friendly, dynamic tool.
- 无遗 nothing left
- [英]底层, 一楼(相当于美国的the first floor) the ground floor
- 我们将这个变体称为Depth-First Visitor模式。 We call this variant the Depth-First Visitor pattern.
- 你父亲遗命托我为你的监护人。 Your father chose to leave me your guardian.
- 故以Best-First算法为基础,提出了BS-BS算法。 So based on Best-First algorithms it raises BS-BS algorithms.
- 她在遗嘱中把财产遗赠给他。 She bequeathed him her fortune.
- 先进先出法(简写为fifo),亦见 last in, first out "first in, first out - FIFO"