- cic.selector.nl键指定了自然语言(NL)语言环境选择,例如,zh、ja和en。 The cic. Selector. Nl key specifies the Natural Language (NL) locale selections, such as zh, ja, and en.
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- 声明为final的变量不能用作减量运算符的操作数。 A variable that is declared final cannot be used as the operand of a decrement operator.
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- final关键字允许你标记方法,使得继承类不能载入它们。 The final keyword allows you to mark methods so that an inheriting class can't overload them.
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- 使用final可防止派生类通过重写重要的函数而更改此类的行为。 Using final prevents derived classes from changing the behavior of the class by overriding important functions.
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- 这些final属性是可选的,因为使用的可能不是green-field数据库。 These final attributes are optional, since you might not be using a green-field database.
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- 需要为异步套接字服务器实现的final方法是返回客户端发送的数据的读取回调方法。 The final method that needs to be implemented for the asynchronous socket server is the read callback method that returns the data sent by the client.
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- 如果一个类使用final修饰符来标记,则可用new运算符来创建该类的实例,但该类不能用作基类。 If a class is marked with the final modifier, instances of the class can be created with the new operator, but the class cannot serve as a base.
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- 恶讯使他焦急不安。 The bad news disquieted him.
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