- 视讯 video
- 1-Wire总线 1-Wire bus
- tan δmeter 损耗角测试仪
- 讯号 signal
- 1-Wire网络 1-Wire net
- CO2 meter 二氧化碳含量计
- 问讯 ask
- Wire-on-Bolt Wire-on-Bolt
- universal A-V-Ω meter 万用表
- 影讯 movie news
- candle meter (照度单位) 烛米
- 我不会念“zip wire”。 I cannot say "zip wire".
- 本报讯 it is reported
- dispatchers meter 调度尺
- 1-Wire总线的USB接口转换器设计 Design of Adaptor for USB Interface of the 1-Wire Bus
- meter leather (无漏孔性) 仪表皮革
- 咨讯 information
- Wire Protocol数据源配置的字符串。 Protocol data source configuration in the system information.
- watt-hour meter (通称电表) 瓦特小时计
- 1-Wire器件通信机制和CRC校验的实现 The Implement of I -Wire Communication and CRC Verify