- 但如果Visual Studio在上述任一路径中找不到符号或程序集,则无法打开.coverage文件。 But if Visual Studio cannot find either the symbols or the assemblies in any of the paths mentioned, the. Coverage file cannot be opened.
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- 当您测试运行后查看代码覆盖率数据时,Visual Studio通过打开生成的.coverage文件来显示该数据。 When you view code coverage data after a test run, Visual Studio displays it by opening the resultant. Coverage file.
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- Global Flexible Coverage(灵活全球范围)和响应时间选项使您能够灵活选择适合业务需要的维护计划 Global Flexible Coverage and response time options to give you the flexibility to choose a maintenance plan that fits your business requirements
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- 若要打开.coverage文件,Visual Studio必须能在磁盘上找到检测的程序集及其程序调试数据库文件(其扩展名为.pdb)。 To open a. Coverage file, Visual Studio must be able to find on disk the instrumented assemblies and their program debug database files, which have the extension. Pdb.
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- 恶讯使他焦急不安。 The bad news disquieted him.
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- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。 He wore a poker face during police questioning.
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- 我的电视接讯情况不好。 My television reception is very poor.