- 比如英国人写“colour”和“honour”, For example, @colour@ and @honour@ are British.
- 挪亚使用“color”,来替代英国英语中的“colour”等。 Noah used American spellings like color instead of the English colour
- 视讯 video
- 讯号 signal
- 例如将“colour”改为了“color”,把“centre”改为了“center”, such as changing colour to color and centre to center
- Delta-Signal调制器 delta-sigrnal modulators
- 问讯 ask
- 一种用来标志一信息块开头的信号。同synchronizing signal。 A signal used to identify the beginning of a block.
- 影讯 movie news
- 数字信号处理(digital signal processing)又可称为DSP。 DSP is the abbreviation of digital signal processing.
- 本报讯 it is reported
- SRP54蛋白是信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle)的一个关键组分. SRP54 protein is a crucial component of signal recognition particle (SRP).
- 咨讯 information
- 采用dsp(Digital Signal Processing)技术对特种材料激光散斑信号进行快速处理. DSP technology was used for fast processing of laser speckle for special materials.
- 报讯 alarm
- 数字信号处理器,[港]数字讯号处理器 2. (digital signal processing) 数字信号处理技术 DSP 1. (digital signal processor)
- 和讯网 Homeway.com
- 聆讯 interrogation
- 恶讯使他焦急不安。 The bad news disquieted him.
- 新浪体育讯 Sina.com sports news