- 视讯 video
- 讯号 signal
- 问讯 ask
- 影讯 movie news
- 扫除陈规陋习和愚昧落后观念,形成健康向上的价值观念、道德规范、文化舆论和社会风尚。Outmoded regulations and bad habits as well as old backward ideology should be changed. At the same time, healthy values, moral standards, good public opinions on culture and social practices are to be encouraged.
- 本报讯 it is reported
- 咨讯 information
- 报讯 alarm
- 和讯网 Homeway.com
- 聆讯 interrogation
- 恶讯使他焦急不安。 The bad news disquieted him.
- 新浪体育讯 Sina.com sports news
- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。 He wore a poker face during police questioning.
- 芳讯已渺 Her whereabouts is a mystery
- 杂讯 noise
- 无线电讯 [电] wireless communication
- 我的电视接讯情况不好。 My television reception is very poor.
- 白色杂讯 white noise
- 报讯器 annunciator
- 免讯 remission of interrogation