- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 计件 by the job
- L-Edit V8.30应用剖析 Analysis on L-Edit V 8.30 application
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- Rich Edit控件不运行HTML脚本。 The rich edit control does not run HTML scripts.
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- 计画 plan
- 调用Edit时,编辑缓冲区中的记录(当前记录)被存储。 When you call Edit, the record in the edit buffer (the current record) is stored.
- 消息传递到由Windows Edit类定义的原始窗口过程。 Message to the original window procedure defined by the Windows Edit class.
- 时计 hour meter
- 再次调用Edit将记录的未编辑版本还原到编辑缓冲区中。 Call Edit again to restore the unedited version of the record to the edit buffer.
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- 警告:该指定重定向波特率被忽略。使用edit选项来更改。 The Redirect baud rate specified is being ignored. Use edit option to change the same.
- 用计 maneuver
- 体重计 batheroom scales
- edit Entry 看起来象地址簿,但可以使您重新检查或更改输入任何列表中的信息 Edit entry looks like the address book, but let you review or change the information that is enter for any listing
- 计量器 meter
- 当您想删除此号码时,选择edit entry,选择列表并从菜单底部选择Deleteentry项。 When you want to delete it,select edit entry,select the listing,and choose delete entry from the bottom of the menu.
- 忽略不计 ignore