- 单击“选择模型”,展开“目标邮件”,再选择TM Decision Tree。 Click Select Model, expand Targeted Mailing, and then choose TM Decision Tree.
- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 二元判定图(Binary Decision Diagram,BDD)的有效描述将大大提高验证和测试生成效率。 Effective description for Binary Decision Diagram(BDD) has proven useful in many applications as data structure for Boolean function.
- 计件 by the job
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- 单击“单独查询”按钮后,您会看到以TM_Decision_Tree模型(结构中的第一个模型)的列填充的“单独查询输入”对话框。 After clicking the Singleton Query button, you will see the Singleton Query Input dialog populated with columns from the TM_Decision_Tree model (the first model in the structure).
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- binary峰 binary peak
- 计画 plan
- FP-tree FP-tree
- [+unpleasant duty,decision] 逃避 to flinch from
- bit (缩自 binary digit) 二进制位
- FP_tree FP_tree
- 时计 hour meter
- Binary-tree期权定价模型 Binary-tree option pricing model
- decision phase (价值工程的工作计划的阶段之一) 决策阶段
- KD-Tree KD-Tree
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- BQ-tree BQ-tree