- 药 medicine
- 用药 use medicine
- 药的 medicinal
- (=hypertension) 高血压,血压过高 hpn.
- 吃药 take the medicine
- volumedependent hypertension 容量依赖性高血压
- 春药 aphrodisiac
- 无可救药 incurable
- 消炎药 antibiotic medicine
- 原发性高血压(essential hypertension,EH)是心血管系统的常见病,其发病机制还不十分明确。 Essential hypertension (EH) is a very familiar disease in cardiovascular. What is the mechanism has not been clear.
- 解药 antidote
- 随着原发性高血压(essential hypertension,EH)和心理障碍发病率的增高,两者关系的研究也受到越来越多的关注。 As the incidence of essential hypertension(EH)and mental disorders increase,the relationship between EH and mental disorders is being studied in more detail.
- 给药 administration
- 开药 to prescribe for an illness
- 减肥药 slimming drugs; weight loss pills
- 紧急避孕药 emergency contraception; morning-after pill
- 兽药 animal remedy
- 下药 drug
- 抗菌药 antibacterial
- 药量 dosage