- 药 medicine
- 用药 use medicine
- 药的 medicinal
- 指定的salt大小小于8字节。 The specified salt size is smaller than 8 bytes.
- 吃药 take the medicine
- salt大小必须等于或大于8字节。 The salt size must be 8 bytes or larger.
- 春药 aphrodisiac
- 使用用来导出密钥的密码和密钥salt初始化。 Class with the password and key salt to use to derive the key.
- 无可救药 incurable
- 消炎药 antibiotic medicine
- SALT将是南半球最大的望远镜--从那里可以观测到银河,而北半球则不能。 SALT will be the biggest telescope in the southern hemisphere -- from where galaxies can be viewed which cannot be seen up north.
- 解药 antidote
- 在基于密码的密钥派生功能中,基本密钥是一个密码,其他参数是一个salt值和一个迭代次数。 In a password-based key derivation function, the base key is a password and the other parameters are a salt value and an iteration count.
- 给药 administration
- 本文中对其中的一株耐盐突变体,命名为stg2(salt tolerance during germination 2),进行了研究。 One of them,designatedas stg2(salt tolerance during germination 2) was studied.
- 开药 to prescribe for an illness
- 减肥药 slimming drugs; weight loss pills
- 紧急避孕药 emergency contraception; morning-after pill
- 兽药 animal remedy
- 下药 drug