- astrocytoma gradeⅠ 星形细胞瘤Ⅰ级(原纤维性及原浆性星形细胞瘤)
- astrocytoma gradeⅡ 星形细胞瘤Ⅱ级(星形母细胞瘤)
- inertia grade (公路的) 惯性坡度
- 请即办理并航空函复。 Please act promptly and let us have your reply by return airmail.
- grade of load (起重机的) 负载等级
- 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。 The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
- off-grade product (砖的) 等外品
- 请给我买几张航空邮票。 Please buy some air mail stamps for me.
- 用航空寄还是海运寄呢? Airmail or sea mail?
- grade bars (在玻璃纤维分条整经机上) 定幅筘
- 我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票。 I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.
- fertilizer grade (以氮磷钾肥比率表示) 肥料等级
- 我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。 I want t send a registered airmail letter to France.
- dicalcium phosphate(feed grade) (饲料级) 磷酸氢钙
- 当时航空仍在萌芽阶段。 At that time aviation was still in its infancy.
- dicalcium phosphate (牙膏级) (dental grade) 磷酸氢钙
- 航空照片可供市民选购。 Aerial photographs are available for sale to the public.
- magnesium sulphate (agricultural grade) (农业级) 硫酸镁
- 航空像片森林判读 interpretation of forest aerial photo
- 航空电器 airborne electric apparatus