- crash-locator beacon (飞机) 失事定位信标
- Delay-difference模型 delay-difference models
- 在南极洲Beacon流域里底冰的长期残存的一个物理机制 A physical mechanism for long-term survival of ground ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- 南极Beacon流域岩石冰川表面运动,合成孔径雷达干涉法的结果 Rock glacier surface motion in Beacon Valley, Antarctica, from synthetic-aperture radar interferometry
- 请即办理并航空函复。 Please act promptly and let us have your reply by return airmail.
- 一只野生火鸡在马萨诸塞州布鲁克林的Beacon大街人行道上穿梭而过。 A wild turkey crosses the sidewalk on Beacon Street in Brookline, Mass.
- 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。 The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
- 如图2所示,在Domino Clustering字段的下面是Synchronization Delay字段。 As figure 2 shows, below the Domino Clustering field is the Synchronization Delay field.
- 请给我买几张航空邮票。 Please buy some air mail stamps for me.
- 抑扬格诗中的音步是由非重读音节后跟着一个重读音节组成的,例如“delay”。 An iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in 'delay'.
- SKF bearing beacon是个新的主流轴承程序,SKF的工程师用它来为顾客挑选最好的轴承配置方案。 SKF bearing beacon is the new mainstream bearing application program used by SKF engineers to find the best solution for customers'bearing arrangements.
- 用航空寄还是海运寄呢? Airmail or sea mail?
- 这句话的意思应该是:如果我用一些混响在人声上,我将肯定pre-delay不会弄脏早期反射声。 If I'm using any reverb on that vocal, I'll make sure that the pre-delay doesn't smear those early reflections.
- 如果您查看显示HP广告的Web页面,在线媒体公司可能会在您的计算机上放置cookie或Web beacon。 If you view a Web page where HP ads appear, the online media company may place a cookie or Web beacon on your computer.
- 我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票。 I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.
- 最高法院同意考虑由国会议员Tom DeLay策划的德克萨斯州议会蓝图,以使得共和党人获得议会席位。 The Supreme Court agrees to review a Texas congressional map engineered by Congressman Tom DeLay that helped Republicans gain congressional seats.
- 我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。 I want t send a registered airmail letter to France.
- SKF bearing beacon目前正在准备阶段,用来接替BEACON,其技术允许在结合顾客组件的灵活系统的三维图像环境中,进行模型设计。 The program is the successor of BEACON and its technology allows the modelling in a 3D graphic environment of flexible systems incorporating customer components.
- 当时航空仍在萌芽阶段。 At that time aviation was still in its infancy.
- 航空照片可供市民选购。 Aerial photographs are available for sale to the public.