- altitude valve (航空发动机的汽化器的可调整阀) 高度阀
- L-Curve L-curve
- 请即办理并航空函复。 Please act promptly and let us have your reply by return airmail.
- 对视觉的影响主要表现在:暗适应时间延长,视力下降,色觉减退,甚至出现视网膜出血,引起高原视网膜病(high-altitude retinopathy,HAR)。 High altitude hypoxia has effects on visual function, for example, dark adaptation time prolonged, vision decreased, color vision decreased, severely retinal hemorrhage. Retinal damage at high altitude is called high-altitude retinopathy(HAR).
- H-Curve准则 H-Curve criterion
- 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。 The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
- 高原肺水肿(High altitude pulmonary edema,HAPE)是一种严重危及生命的急性高原病,常发生于平原初入或再入高原者,多见于海拔3000m以上地区。 High altitude pulmonary edema(HAPE) is a life-threatening acute mountain sickness of rapid ascents of altitude higher than 3000 m. HAPE typically occurs in the first 2-4 days after arrival at high altitude.
- Bekesy tracing curve 贝凯希[听力描记]曲线
- 请给我买几张航空邮票。 Please buy some air mail stamps for me.
- Hannas curve 哈那曲线
- 高原肺水肿(HAPE high altitude pulmonary edema)是因急性缺氧,在寒冷、疲劳等情况下易诱发,以肺动脉高压、肺-气血屏障障碍为主要病理生理过程的一种急性高山病。 High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) may result from acute exposure to high altitude in excess of 3 000 m. Bodies that feel cold and fatigue are much more susceptible to HAPE. The pathogenesis of HAPE has not been well elucidated since no successful animal model of HAPE has been set up so far.
- 用航空寄还是海运寄呢? Airmail or sea mail?
- horoptercurve 双眼单视界曲线
- 我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票。 I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.
- lifting curve (凸轮) 升程曲线
- 我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。 I want t send a registered airmail letter to France.
- duration curve (持续曲线) 历时曲线
- 当时航空仍在萌芽阶段。 At that time aviation was still in its infancy.
- exhaust curve (示功图的) 排气曲线
- 航空照片可供市民选购。 Aerial photographs are available for sale to the public.