- 等离子 plasma
- ECR Plasma CVD淀积介质膜的工艺模拟 Simulation Based Prediction of Refractive Index of Dielectric Thin Film Deposition by ECR Plasma CVD
- 等离子切割机 plasma cutting machine
- plasma thromboplastin component factor Ⅸ 血浆凝血致活酶成分凝血因子Ⅸ
- factor Ⅺ(plasma thromboplastin antecedent) 凝血因子Ⅺ, 血浆促凝血酶原激酶前体, 抗血友病因子C
- State模式 State pattern
- plasma thromboplastin antecedent factor Ⅺ 凝血因子Ⅺ血浆凝血致活酶前质
- 等离子喷涂 plasma spraying
- ECR Plasma CVD淀积光电器件介质膜的工艺模拟 Simulation based prediction of dielectric thin film deposition by ECR plasma CVD for optoelectronic devices
- 等离子切割 plasma cutting
- ECR Plasma CVD淀积介质膜折射率的神经网络模拟 Neural-Network Simulation of Refractive Index of Dielectric Thin Film Deposition by ECR Plasma CVD
- 等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (PAW)
- ECR Plasma CVD法淀积介质膜技术在半导体光电器件中的应用 Dielectric Thin Film Deposition by ECR Plasma CVD for Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
- 等离子冶金 plasma metallurgy
- 等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting (PAC)
- plasma thromboplastin antecedent(PTA)(blood coagulation factorⅪ) 血浆促凝血酶原激酶前体, 抗血友病因子C
- 等离子弧加工 plasma arc processing
- plasma thromboplastin component(PTC)(blood coagulation facotrⅨ) 血浆促凝血酶原激酶组分, 抗血友病因子B
- 等离子技术 plasma technology
- 研究应用富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma, PRP)、带血管肌筋膜对组织工程骨血管化的影响。 To explore the effect of PRP and vascularized muscular fasciae on tissueengineered bone vascularization.