- 在软件工程中,单个程序模块所执行的诸任务在功能上的互相关联的程度。对照coupling。 In software engineering, the degree to which the tasks performed by a single program module are functionally related.
- 本文讨论了三种 DDBMS 组成方式:松散结合型(loose cou-pling)、紧密结合型(tight coupling)和集成型(integrat),并对它们的优缺点进行了分析。 There are three DDBMS architectures-loose coupling,tight coupling and integrat,which will be dis- cussed in the section 2.
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。 He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- 电磁阀, 电磁活门 solenoid value
- 为了做成电磁体你需要对金属线送电。 To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 核电磁脉冲模拟 nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- 电磁异常 electromagnetic anomaly
- 电磁测深方法研究 A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 电磁开关. a solenoid switch
- 电磁浓缩 electromagnetic enrichment
- 电磁夹片 electromagnetic shim
- 电磁四通阀 solenoid operated 4-way valve
- 煤气电磁阀 solenoid valve for gas
- 蒸气电磁阀 solenoid valve for steam
- 水用电磁阀 solenoid valve for water
- 电磁聚焦的 electromagnetically focused
- 电磁脚 electromagnet toe
- 电磁锤 electromagnetic hammer
- 电磁安/厘米 abampere per square centimeter (aA/cm 2)