- back-propagation(BP)算法 back-propagation (BP) algorithms
- Boltzmanns constant 玻耳兹曼常数
- 本文引入人工神经网络之BP网络(Back-Propagation),建立了锅炉的运行优化模型。 In this paper, a Boiler Operation Optimizing model is built by using BP (Back-Propagation) Neural Network.
- switching constant (开关时间与磁场强度的比值) 开关常数
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。 He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- constant_expression可以是常量、NULL或系统函数值。 Constant_expression is a constant, NULL, or a system function value.
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- 基于改进的SIR模型的基础上,讨论并研究了脉冲作用下的蠕虫传播模型(the Worms Propagation with Impulsive Control,WPIC model)。 we present a modification of SIR model to study worm propagation. The dynamics of this model under pulse control are analyzed which we referred to as the Worms Propagation with Impulsive Control (WPIC) model.
- 电磁阀, 电磁活门 solenoid value
- 你应该从脚本中分离它们,并创建一个你的语言的constant.xx.inc文件。 You should separate them from the scripts and create a constants. Xx. Inc file for your language.
- 为了做成电磁体你需要对金属线送电。 To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 文中引入了用于盲信号均衡的恒模算法(CMA:constant modulus algorithm)。 Constant modulus algorithm (CMA), which was used in blind equalization, is introduced in this paper.
- 核电磁脉冲模拟 nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- 电磁异常 electromagnetic anomaly
- Compute Scalar运算符通常在Constant Scan之后使用,以将列添加到Constant Scan运算符生成的行中。 A Compute Scalar operator is often used after a Constant Scan to add columns to a row produced by the Constant Scan operator.
- 电磁测深方法研究 A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 电磁开关. a solenoid switch
- 电磁浓缩 electromagnetic enrichment
- 电磁夹片 electromagnetic shim
- 电磁四通阀 solenoid operated 4-way valve