- matching problems,解决与不匹配行有关的问题 Matching problems, Solving Problems with No Matching Rows
- 大多数清理类型都有一个Matching Options窗口,用于指定希望用来处理匹配的方式。 Most of the cleaning types have the Matching Options window to let you specify how you want matches to be handled.
- 提出了LDM(linear DAWG matching)串匹配算法,该算法将正文分为[n/m]个相互重叠、大小为2m? This paper presents a Linear DAWG Matching (LDM) algorithm, which divides the text into [n/m] overlapping windows of length 2m?
- Section-TIN-GTP模型 section-TIN-GTP model
- 地图匹配(Map Matching)技术利用电子地图和定位信息来确定车辆在道路上的准确位置,是一种软件纠错技术。 Map matching is a technique combining electronic map with locating information to obtain the real position of vehicle in a road network.
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。 He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- (=frozen section) 冰冻切片 f.s.
- 第三节 section C 简单短文 Why do people want to use postcards?
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- 电磁阀, 电磁活门 solenoid value
- boom section (喷雾器的) 喷杆组
- 第三节 section C 简单短文? From the last piece of news, who beat the Rifles 7 to 3?
- 为了做成电磁体你需要对金属线送电。 To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 第一节 section A 简单短文? What dream did he have when the old man slept on the bench?
- 核电磁脉冲模拟 nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- (=cross-section) 横断面,横切面 x sect.
- 电磁异常 electromagnetic anomaly
- cesarean section 剖宫产,剖腹产 C / sec.
- 电磁测深方法研究 A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 电磁开关. a solenoid switch