- 电工 electrician
- mid-travel (指开关位置) 中间位置
- PC Travel可使你联机查询航班表、订座以及订票。 PC Travel lets you look at airline schedules on-line, make reservations, and order tickets.
- 电工技术 electroengineering
- 美国英语拼写“ travel, traveled, traveling, traveler”, while in British English, one writes @travel, traveled, traveling, traveller@.
- 根据一个整数表达式的值,switch语句可从一系列代码选出一段执行。 The switch statement selects from among pieces of code based on the value of an integral expression.
- 电工钢 electric steel
- 威尼斯旅馆-意大利威尼斯的旅馆-威尼斯系统-威尼斯的系统-travel links Venice hotel - Venice hotels - Venice Italy - hotels in Venice - hotel in Venice - travel links
- RPC over HTTP使用当前Windows操作系统登录信息的要求 Requirements for RPC over HTTP to Use the Current Windows Operating System Logon Information
- 他的职业是电工技师。 He is an electrical technician by profession.
- 这是构建switch语句的一种传统方式,但break是可选的。 This is the conventional way to build a switch statement, but the break is optional.
- Travel 2 Travel 4是目前英国最大的贸易专业批发商,其下属旅行社多达5,000多家。 Travel 2 Travel 4 is the largest trade-only UK wholesaler, trading through 5,000 plus sub agents.
- 国际电工委员会 IEC
- Switch术 Switch
- 在Travel Simplified能够向客户提供航班预订服务之前,必须有别的机构来提供这项服务。 Before Travel Simplified can offer an airline reservation service to customers, someone has to provide this service.
- 电工刀 electrician's knife
- V-Switch V-SWITCH
- 维修电工 maintenance electrician
- 一位电工修理了这炊具。 An electrician repaired the cooker.
- 电工及电子技术基础 Basis of Electrotechnics & Electronic Techniques