- 电工 electrician
- iron是一个作“铁”解释的英国字。 Iron is an English word.
- incremental strain theory (锻压的) 增量理论
- (=iron(ferrum)deficiency anemia) 缺铁性贫血 Fe def.
- 增量成本,边际成本、新增成本.亦见average incremental cost incremental cost
- 电工技术 electroengineering
- 在组织的所有域控制器中部署Exchange域控制器基线策略模板(Exchange_2003-DC_Incremental_V1_1.inf)。 Deploy the Exchange Domain Controller Baseline Policy template (Exchange_2003-DC_Incremental_V1_1. Inf) in all of the domain controllers in your organization.
- 可燃气loss未燃烧损失 combustible gas
- 电工钢 electric steel
- (=hearing loss) 听力丧失 HL I.
- 现场每人采血5ml(隔夜空腹),经离心后分离血清,分装冰冻于-70℃直至测定,用于血清铁(Serum Iron,SI)检测以及与EHT有关的其它血液生化指标的检测。 Our research discussed the relationship of serum iron (SI) and EHT based on a large number of EHT patients and the control in order to put forward pathogenic research evidence on EHT.
- 他的职业是电工技师。 He is an electrical technician by profession.
- [+damage,loss] 弥补 to make good
- 本文用ADINA(AUTOMATC DYNAMICAL INCREMENTAL NOLINEAR ANALYSIS)有限元程序,分析了三维变形状态下,紧凑拉伸(CT)试样的等效应力和塑性区分布情况. The distribution of effective stress and plastic zone is analysed for compact tension (CT) specimen in 3-D deformation state using ADINA (AUTOMATIC DYNAMICAL INCREMENTAL NOLINEAR ANALYSIS) finite element program.
- loss experience(航运) 灭失记录
- 国际电工委员会 IEC
- exhaust loss (发动机的) 排气损失
- 电工刀 electrician's knife
- absolute net loss (保险) 绝对净损
- 维修电工 maintenance electrician