- 电工 electrician
- Bacon手术为63.1%、12%。 Bacon operation 63. 1%25,12%25.
- 电工技术 electroengineering
- 45例改良Bacon术的围手术期护理 The Nursing for 45 Cases Patients in the Period of the Improved Bacon Operation
- Bacon手术为 66.7%和 13 .3%。 and Bacon 66.7%25 and 13.3%25,respectively.
- 电工钢 electric steel
- CELL-DYN3500R血液分析仪出现部分细胞警示的血涂片分析 Smear examination of blood samples with the WBC flags on the CELLD-DYN3500R haematology analyzer
- 他的职业是电工技师。 He is an electrical technician by profession.
- 研究科学发现的计算途径:对BACON程序的考察 Scientific Discovery by Computer Simulation: Reviews on BACON
- 腹腔镜下Bacon's直肠癌根治术后的排便功能训练 Toilet training of the patients after laparoscopic radial operation of Bacon's rectal cancer
- 国际电工委员会 IEC
- 行Dixon术16 9例 ,Parks术 8例 ,Bacon术 13例。 One hundred sixty nine cases were treated with Dixon operation,8 with parks operation and 13 with Bacon operation.
- 电工刀 electrician's knife
- 腹腔镜下行改良Bacon’s直肠癌根治术围术期护理 Perioperative Nursing Care in the Modified Bacon's Operation Under Laparoscopy
- 维修电工 maintenance electrician
- 基于bacon系统实现彩色图像黑白打印方法的自动化 Realization of Automated Color Image Printing with Single Black Ink Based on BACON System
- 一位电工修理了这炊具。 An electrician repaired the cooker.
- 在倡导科学方法改革方面更有影响的则是Francis Bacon. More influential in urging a reform of the methods of science was Francis Bacon.
- 电工及电子技术基础 Basis of Electrotechnics & Electronic Techniques
- Park和Bacon手术 5年生存率和局部复发率和Miles手术无差异。 There is no difference in the 5-year survival rate and local recurrence rate between Park's, Bacon and Miles operation.