- 电子 electron
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- 分别比较Rest和Peak前壁中段LST组与non-LST组平均Vs差别等。 study was performed as following items:to compare Vs of MID ANT wall at Rest and Peak in the two groups of LST group and non-LST group,etc.
- medium-voltage bushing (变压器的) 中压套管
- 电子产品 electronic product
- 该属性值与进程的“Working Set Peak”(工作集峰值)性能计数器等效。 The property value is equivalent to the Working Set Peak performance counter for the process.
- maximum machine voltage (计算机的) 最大运算电压
- 电子的 electronic
- Heparine 几乎完全抑制[Ca~(2+)]i_(Peak),Ryanodine 明显抑制[Ca~(2+)]i_(Peak). Emo- din-induced increase in[Ca~(2+)]i was unaffected by nifedipine,a votage-gated Ca~(2+)-channel antagonist,and the sustained phase of rising of[Ca~(2+)]i was attenuated by extracellular Ca~(2+)removal with EGTA solution.
- full-wave voltage impulse (避雷器的) 全波电压电击
- 电子设备 electronic aid
- low-voltage system (750伏以下电力系统) 低压系统
- 电子信箱 electronic mailbox
- MAP Sensor Voltage Too high(MAP感知器电压过高) MAP Sensor Voltage Too High
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- 电子显微镜 electron microscope