- finite population 有限总体
- population数组引用是间接引用。 The population array reference is de-referenced.
- (=species novum) (拉)新种 sp.n.
- sympatric population (同地种群) 同地居群
- [species,language+] 和某事有关连 to be related to sth
- 草原生态系统 Grassland ecosystem
- (=population of imperfectly developed persons) 发育有缺陷的人群 C3 pop.
- (=species inquirendae) (拉)待定种,未确定种类 sp. inquir.
- 格陵兰地区的植物生态 the botany of Greenland
- (=species indeterminata) (拉)未定种,待定种,未确定种类 sp.indet.
- 五、奥运建设生态环境保护 Specific Environmental and Ecological Protection Measures for Olympic Games
- 若要确定为索引表格使用了多少个范围,请从sys.dm_fts_population_ranges运行一个查询。 To determine how many ranges are used to index the table, run a query from sys. Dm_fts_population_ranges.
- 区域生态系统脆弱。 The regional ecological system is fragile.
- genera species属数种数属数种数属数种数属数种数属数种数属数种数 No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of genera species genera species genera species genera species genera species genera species
- 有生态意识的 ecologically aware
- 目的了解云南省西部地区鼠类中巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的感染情况。 Objective To study the infection status of Bartonella spp. in rodents in western part of Yunnan province.
- 草原生态 steppe ecology
- 活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)在心血管疾病发生发展中具有重要作用。 Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important mediators which contribute to acute myocardial injury.
- 生态模拟 ecological simulation
- 家畜生态 livestock ecology