- 物化 materialize
- PRISM膜组 Prism membrane group
- PRISM芯片组 PRISM chip set
- prism减反射膜 antireflection coatings
- 拟物化 analogy
- 下载最新的PRISM规范并在 Download the latest PRISM spec and find more information at the
- 物化为 turn materially
- master prism (测量用) 标准棱镜
- 物化法 physicochemical method
- 支持多种基于Prism芯片组的卡。 Supports a variety of cards based on the Prism chipset.
- 全物化 full materialization
- 名物化 nominalizations
- 是一个用这些PRISM核心元素来扩充 Is an example using these PRISM core elements to expand on
- 非物化 dematerialization
- PRISM的开发已有时日,并已相当成熟。 PRISM has been in development for a while, and has matured rather well.
- 物化探 Geochmical - Geophysical Exploration
- 是描述本专栏前一篇文章的有效PRISM文档。 Is a valid PRISM document that describes the previous installment of this column.
- 矿物化 mineralize
- PRISM希望在语法级别上建立强大的互操作性。 PRISM aims to establish strong interoperability at the syntax level.
- 物化| 仙逝 [euphemism] be gone