- 牙科诊所 dentist's office
- 这孩子在牙科医生的椅子上吓坏了。 The child was scared stiff in the dentist's chair.
- (=open window unit(unit of sound absorption)) 开窗单位 o.w.u.
- 我觉得一年该看两次牙科。 I like to go to the dentist twice a year.
- (=brightness modulation unit) 辉度调节单位(超声心动图) B-mode u.
- 定期看牙科医生是明智的。 It is advisable to see a dentist regularly.
- 牙科医院 dental clinic
- 牙科医生常常给患者补牙. A dentist often has to fill teeth.
- 新开业的牙科医生 a beginning dentist
- 牙科大夫要处置的(患者)嘴巴一般并不处在理想状态。 The mouth the dentists work on usually is not in an ideal
- 我通常在荣民医院的牙科。 I usually go to the dental department of the Veteran's Hospital.
- 牙科博士 D.M.D.
- 牙科助理 Dental Assistant
- 牙科保健 Dental Hygienist
- 牙科技师 Dental Technician
- 我经受了一次牙科大手术。 I had undergone a major dental operation.
- 牙科金属材料 dental alloy materials
- 美国牙科协会 ADA; American Dental Association
- 他是个牙科医生。 He is a dental surgeon.
- 研磨,捣碎用作杵和臼来制作一种牙科用混合物的过程。 The composing of a dental amalgam by mortar and pestle.