- 煤矿 coal mine
- 煤矿工人 collier
- 煤矿主 coal-master
- 他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。 He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.
- 今年这煤矿产量甚丰。 This year's yield from the coal mine was very large.
- 总罢工使煤矿工业陷于瘫痪。 A general strike paralyzed the coal industry.
- 这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。 The country is short of known deposits of coal.
- 开煤矿 to work a coal mine
- 矿井爆炸虽然不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。 Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal-miners.
- 安全灯煤矿 closed lamp colliery
- 煤矿工 hewer
- 请求总统干预煤矿罢工。 The President was asked to intervene in the coal strike.
- 煤矿开采 coal mining
- 煤矿工人的活计可不轻松。 A coal miner's work is not a bed of roses.
- 一个煤矿工人 a coal miner
- 工作面煤矿或地道的工作面 The face of a mine or tunnel.
- 露天煤矿 open coal mine
- 从煤矿运送煤块 to haul coals from the mine
- 使煤矿坑道通风 ventilate the galleries of a coal-mine
- 中国煤矿丰富。 China is rich in coal mine.