- 气 smell
- 一口气 in one breath
- 口气 (friendly or unfriendly) tone (of comments)
- 烟气 flue gases
- [person,flight,departure etc+] 被耽搁了 to be delayed
- 吹气 huff
- VFR(缩自visual flight rules) between layers 云层间目视飞行
- 呼气 expire
- 气短 be discouraged
- 气相 gas phase
- 进气 entering air
- 气密 aerospace seal
- 气源 air supply
- 气溶胶 aerosol
- 放气 deflation
- 气瓶 air bottle
- 抽气 suction gas
- 气密性 air tightness
- 气路 gas circuit
- 气相色谱 gas phase chromatography