- 气 smell
- 一口气 in one breath
- 口气 (friendly or unfriendly) tone (of comments)
- 烟气 flue gases
- pubic height (人) 耻骨高
- relative height (拉深时) 相对高度
- 吹气 huff
- maximum shut height (压机的) 最大封闭高度
- 呼气 expire
- minimum shut height (模具的) 最小闭合高度
- 气短 be discouraged
- height of odontoid process (人) 齿突高
- 气相 gas phase
- 进气 entering air
- proportion of weight to height (马) 体重率
- 也可以使用Height和Width属性缩放图像。 You can also use the Height and Width properties to scale the image.
- 气密 aerospace seal
- 气源 air supply
- 可使用Height和Width属性向浏览器发送图像的大小规范。 You can use the Height and Width properties to send image size specifications to the browser.
- 气溶胶 aerosol