- 植 to plant
- 植入 embedded
- soil core (原状土) 土样
- 第二组为人源菌群(human flora-associated,HFA)组,经口服途径接种人源菌群; piglets in HFA group were fed with human flora;
- stony soil (碎石土) 多石土壤
- 植树 tree planting
- soil pit (观察土壤剖面用) 土坑
- 植绒 pile coating
- 他们最不同寻常的一件事和一种叫Flora Danica的瓷器有关,这种瓷器至今仍用手工制作,它描绘了700多种丹麦的野花。 Decidedly unusual is the story linked to this type of porcelain, which is still produced by hand today, called Flora Danica because it features more than 700 Danish wild flowers.
- soil processing (试验时) 土壤制备
- soil block test (木林防腐) 土壤木块试验
- 1991 年出版的《欧洲植物志》“Flora Europaea”对蓼族分类处理为5 个属:冰岛蓼属、蓼属、荞麦属、蔓蓼属和虎杖属。 Trib. Polygoneae was divided into 5 genera (Koenigia, Polygonum, Fagopyrum,Reynoutria, Fallopia) in "Flora Europaea". There are different opinions about generaand some genera's scope .
- soft soil performance (车辆) 软土通过性能
- 植村秀 Shu Uemera
- soil burial test (纺织品耐腐性试验) 土埋试验
- 本研究以人菌群相关(Human Flora-associated,HFA)仔猪粪便样品为研究对象,初步分析某益生元对HFA仔猪肠道菌群的影响。 本论文主要包括以下两个方面: This study took the fecal samples of HFA (Human Flora-associated) piglet as subject to analysis the influence of certain prebiotics on intestinal microflora of HFA piglet.
- 植酸 phytic acid
- 将earth、 ground、 floor、 soil这几个词作一比较. Compare earth, ground, floor and soil.
- 外植体 explant
- soil primary shear surface (与机具前进方向平行的) 土壤主剪切面