- (=standard temperature) 标准温度 StdT.
- (=critical temperature) 临界温度 cirt. temp.
- (=axillary temperature) 腋下温度 Ax temp.
- (=cycle) 周期,循环 cyc.
- 核子作战力 nuclear war-fighting capability
- 光纤级P-Cycle fiber-level P-Cycle
- Bruckner cycle 勃吕克纳循环
- 热核子武器 a thermonuclear weapon
- 同时对影响锰铜薄膜TCR(Temperature Coeffcient of Resistance)值的因素及机理进行了讨论. The factors and mechanism affecting the TCR of manganin thin films were discussed.
- Cycle-Spinning Cycle-Spinning
- 一种共振现象,核子吸收伽马射线,与该核子放出的是一样的。 the resonance absorption of a gamma ray by a nucleus identical to the nucleus that emitted the gamma ray.
- uni-cycle (玩具) 独轮车
- 核子图 nuclear subgraph
- γ-glutamyl cycle γ-谷氨酰循环
- 核子法 nucleon method
- 进行测量海水电导率 (Conductivity)、温度 (Temperature)和深度 (Depth)的高精度 CTD剖面仪是“九五”期间国家 86 3高技术发展计划的成果之一。 The high accuracy CTD profiler that measures seawater conductivity, temperature and depth is one of achievements of National 863 High-Tech Development Project during the Ninth Five-Year Plan.
- Krebs cycle 克雷布氏循环
- 核子数A nucleons numbers A
- 自蔓延燃烧合成分高温自蔓延(Self-Propagating High-temperature Synthesis,缩写为SHS)和低温自蔓延(Low-temperature Combustion Synthesis,缩写为LCS)。 CS consists of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis and Low-temperature combustion Synthesis. Thedifference an the similarity between SHS and LCS were described in this chapter.
- α-glycerophosphate cycle α-甘油磷酸循环