- luminous efficiency (流明效率) 光视效率
- 原代表皮细胞克隆形成率(colony forming efficiency ,CFE)为5-10%。 The CFE was 8%25-10%25 for keratinocyte isolated from children younger than ten-year old,while CFE was 5%25-8%25 for keratinocyte isolated from adults in their twenties.
- 核子作战力 nuclear war-fighting capability
- 热核子武器 a thermonuclear weapon
- 6个数据参数包括:N即、APAR、C、LUE(LightUtility EffiCienCy)、albedo和EET(EStimated Evapotranspiration)。 Otherwise, six parameter of model outputs and medial parameters, including APAR, NPP, albedo, EET, LUE were produced as public production for users.
- 一种共振现象,核子吸收伽马射线,与该核子放出的是一样的。 the resonance absorption of a gamma ray by a nucleus identical to the nucleus that emitted the gamma ray.
- 核子图 nuclear subgraph
- 核子法 nucleon method
- 核子数A nucleons numbers A
- 如果我们不知道原子的结构,我们就不能研究核子物理学。 If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics.
- 介子 核子散射 meson nucleon scattering
- 核子空间 kernel space
- 核子函数 kernel function
- 反核子运动 The anti-nuclear campaign
- 核子自能 nucleon self-energy
- 核子技术 nuclear technique
- 核子转移 nucleon transfer
- 单核子势 single-nucleon potential
- 中能重离子碰撞中同位旋相关核子-核子碰撞截面的灵敏探针 A Sensitive Probe for Isospin-Dependent Nucleon-Nucleon Cross Section in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collision
- 核子界面仪 atomic profiler