- 包材 packing materials
- expansion coil (冷却机) 膨胀蛇形管
- 原材 live wood
- FOE(focus-of-expansion) FOE (focus-of-expansion)
- Trade Expansion Act (美国) 扩大贸易法
- 棒材 steel bar
- high-k high k
- expansion loop (管段中的弯曲部分) 伸缩器
- 卷材 coiled material
- secondary expansion (使用时膨胀) 二次膨胀
- High/Scope课程 High/Scope curriculum
- 母材 mother plate
- Heavisides expansion theorem 海维西特展开定理
- 片材 sheet
- "高中,见 junior high school" high school
- Wine Equity and Export Expansion Act (美国) 酒类平衡与扩大输出法
- high 不能被应用到一个长字符串 HIGH cannot be applied to a long string
- 大材小用 give an able person a small job
- 我原本要去法院,直到我high了 I was gonna go to court before I got high
- 带材 strip steel rolled stock